Flow Media for Resin Infusion

TENAX can provide smart solutions for resin infusion in the composite industry. Dual-flat rhomboidal meshes show a great effectiveness if used as flow media during the vacuum assisted resin infusion process (VARI). This type of product, belonging to the so-called OS family of flat nets, can be made of high-density polyethylene, polypropylene and polyamide, according to the temperature resistance and chemical compatibility.


The usual layer-configuration of a composites mould includes the following items: the reinforcement fibres, the “peel ply” (to help the adhesion and the after-work separation), the flow media mesh and the bagging film with the nozzle to inject the resin. Once the air inside the bag is drawn out, the epoxy constituent can flow inside. Due to the channels within the grid mesh, the fluid then covers all the fields of the composite surface with no risk of inconsistency or voids in the final product.



The usage of this kind of grid allows the uniform distribution of mechanical and geometrical features throughout the mould and maintains the flow speed under control.


Dual-flat netting is used in applications such as Hydro wind turbines, light plane wings and boat hulls, where the end product is subject to a high mechanical stress rate.


BI-Planar Extruded Meshes

OS Flat Nets: PP & PA meshes

Bi-planar (dual flat) extruded nettings with a rhomboidal (diamond) mesh are commonly used as support or spacer between membranes and films. Their specific geometry creates channels where any fluid manages to flow much easier.


