Grass/Turf Reinforcement Mesh (TR-Flex)

TR-Flex™ is a lightweight and flexible ground/grass reinforcement mesh, which can be used for many applications such as lawn protection, embankment stabilisation, an anti-ball plugging mesh on golf driving ranges and as a support mesh under rubber matting.


Features & Applications

  • Rot resistant
  • Chemically inert
  • 100% Recyclable Material
  • SUDS Compliant
  • Easy to Install (No special skills required)
  • Occasional vehicle access
  • Lawn reinforcement
  • Cycle paths
  • Prevents animals digging up lawn areas
  • Slope stabilisation
  • Suitable for golf buggy tracks
  • Anti ball plugging mesh – driving ranges
  • Golf course pathways
  • Support for rubber matting
  • Stops dogs digging lawn
  • Protect grass from chickens

For best results the GP-Flex® and TR-Flex™ should be laid down in early spring through to late summer when the grass will grow quickly through the mesh and the root mass will form an interlock with the mesh filaments. The protected area will soon resume its natural appearance providing a stable surface and protecting the area from damage and rutting by vehicles and pedestrians.



Cut the grass to a minimal length and ensure that the area is as level as possible by filling in any hollows with fine topsoil and sharp sand.

If the mesh is being laid over clay soil, it is recommended that a suitable drainage system be installed to allow for the drainage of surface water. Unroll the mesh over the area to be protected and secure both ends with metal fixing pins and down each side at least every 1m. Where a wide area is to be protected, butt the edges of the roll together and secure by placing metal fixing pins down each length and across each layer. Also pin down any area where the mesh is not in contact with the ground. Cover the mesh with a layer of topsoil and sharp sand, this will encourage early root growth around the mesh filaments and increase stability. Apply a suitable grass seed dressing at approximately 30g/m2 over areas which were previously bare of grass or which received more than 25mm covering of topsoil and sand.

Vehicles and pedestrians should be kept off the area until the grass has grown at least 25mm and has been mown twice with the blades set high. Following which the area can be rolled and treated with proprietary chemicals as required.



Although we have produced the most slip resistant grass protection mesh available, we can not account for all the variances in climatic and ground conditions. Please take note that until the grass has grown through the mesh and become established, GP-Flex® and TR-Flex™ may be slippery in wet weather or under icy conditions and care should be taken if pedestrians are allowed to walk on the mesh during the growing period.

For further assistance or advice on installing GP-Flex® and TR-Flex™, contact MESH4 on 01978 807345.


For best results, TR-Flex™ should be installed when the grass will grow quickly through the filaments creating a root mass. The protected area will soon resume its natural green appearance protecting the grass roots and soil from damage. TR-Flex™ is ideally suited for areas which will have little  vehicular traffic and moderate pedestrian use, however, we would strongly advise that the ground should be reasonably firm and well drained before installation.

This is the ultimate grass reinforcement mesh, or lawn protector mesh.

Do not forget pins to anchor this product; we recommend 100 pins per-roll.

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